My Published Photographs
With Ease Issue 1: With Ease Catalogue started as an online publication but quickly they saw the need to go to print. For their first issue they contacted me to do the cover shoot involving the exquisite Audi Q3.
With Ease Issue 2: I once again had the privilege of shooting the cover of this wedding and events Catalogue. This image was shot at Cary Island, a magnificent venue for wedding and parties.
With Ease Issue 3: They say third times the charm and I was indeed charmed when asked to again do the cover shoot for With Ease. Many other images were used throughout the catalogue making this issue the one that has published most of my images
Wedding spectacular, a premier wedding show here in Jamaica teamed up with "With Ease". By this time With Ease's dreams of moving from catalogue to magazine status was being realised.
Once again yours truly was brought in to shoot the cover
Inside Image
Inside Image